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Publications iconKansas Register

Volume 40 - Issue 41 - October 14, 2021

State of Kansas

Legislative Administrative Services

Interim Committee Schedule

The Legislative Research Department gives notice that the following legislative committees plan to meet on the dates listed below based on current information and subject to change. Requests for accommodation to participate in committee meetings should be made at least two working days in advance of the meeting by contacting Legislative Administrative Services at 785-296-2391 or TTY 711, or email

Date Room Time Committee Agenda
Oct. 11 548-S 10:00 a.m. Joint Committee on State Building Construction Presentations of agency five-year capital improvement plans; Discussion and recommendations for KDHE Laboratory and Docking State Office Building; Presentations of leases and change orders
Oct. 12 548-S 9:30 a.m. Capitol Preservation Committee Discussion of new proposed projects; Follow-up on previously proposed projects
Oct. 12 582-N 10:00 a.m. Joint Committee on Kansas Security Presentations from the Adjutant General’s Department, Department of Administration, Kansas Highway Patrol, Legislative Division of Post Audit, Office of the Secretary of State
Oct. 13 582-N 9:00 a.m. Joint Committee on Kansas Security Presentations from the Department of Labor, Kansas Bureau of Investigation
Oct. 13 142-S 12:00 p.m. Kansas Criminal Justice Reform Commission Subcommittee on Dual Supervision Subcommittee discussion on dual supervision
Oct. 13 Virtual Only 1:00 p.m. Special Committee on Kansas Mental Health Modernization and Reform – Telehealth Working Group Working group discussion on telehealth topics
Oct. 14 Virtual Only 10:00 a.m. Special Committee on Kansas Mental Health Modernization and Reform – Services and Workforce Working Group Working group discussion on services and workforce topics
Oct. 14 Virtual Only 1:00 p.m. Special Committee on Kansas Mental Health Modernization and Reform – System Capacity and Transformation Working Group Working group discussion on system capacity and transformation topics
Oct. 18 142-S 2:00 p.m. Kansas Criminal Justice Reform Commission Reports of subcommittees
Oct. 19 112-N 9:00 a.m. Special Committee on Child Support Enforcement and Collection Overviews of IV-D and Non-IV-D child support payment collections, Kansas Payment Center, Customer Service Centers; Review of IV-D evaluation
Oct. 20 112-N 9:00 a.m. Special Committee on Federal 340B Drug Program Overview of 340B process, stakeholders, federal requirements, and judicial action; Review of experiences of hospitals, community health centers, pharmacy benefit managers, and pharmacists
Oct. 20 Virtual Only 1:00 p.m. Special Committee on Kansas Mental Health Modernization and Reform – Telehealth Working Group Working group discussion on telehealth topics
Oct. 21-22 112-N 9:00 a.m. Special Committee on Home and Community Based Services Intellectual and Developmental Disability Waiver Intellectual and Developmental Disability waitlist; Workforce issues; Provider reimbursement rates/funding
Oct. 22 548-S 9:30 a.m. Senate Confirmation Oversight Discussion of Senate confirmations
Oct. 25 Leavenworth Public Library 2:30 p.m. Joint Committee on Corrections and Juvenile Justice Oversight Overview by Kansas Sentencing Commission
Oct. 26 346-S 9:00 a.m. Joint Committee on Corrections and Juvenile Justice Oversight Overview by Kansas Department of Corrections; Community corrections presentation; Judicial Council presentation on offender registration; public comment
Oct. 27 346-S 1:30 p.m. Joint Committee on Corrections and Juvenile Justice Oversight Presentation on compassionate and medical release
Oct. 28-29 112-N 9:00 a.m. Special Committee on Kansas Mental Health Modernization and Reform TBD

Tom Day, Director
Legislative Administrative Services

Doc. No. 049504